Happy Disability Pride Month! Thank you for bringing it to my awareness, I’ll be sure to post about it on my socials etc (and possibly make my weekly Substack about it this week). I’m a sex educator and coach and include mention of disability in my work - I am often met with shock from able-bodied people (and sometimes sadly a little disgust) till I point out that ANYONE could become disabled at any time. Would they want that to mean they are written-off sexually forever more? Do they imagine libido just switches off? In fact there’s lots able-bodied people could learn from the often creative and open-minded approach people with disabilities bring to sex.

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I remember when Tuppy Owens started campaigning here in UK around this issue. The horror people expressed! Thankfully, we have now moved along a lot in attitudes and practice. https://raggeduniversity.co.uk/2016/12/19/dr-tuppy-owens-sex/

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Thanks Ruth, this is so interesting and I can't wait to read your post! Give me a shout if I can help in any way. Acknowledging disability in everyday life stuff should be the norm but unfortunately, the reaction you get says it all. Also, I love your perspective on the creative approach that disabled people can bring 💛

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Fab recipe and great post. Yes, we're all gonna face changes in our body-minds and how we move around the world ----- and *that's probably why people run like hell from disability awareness, a childlike denial about that*. Hope the month brings awareness and solidarity!

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Thanks Caroline! Yes you are so right, the denial and avoidance of the idea of disability is what contributes to the exclusion of disabled people from society. If more people were willing to unpack their internalised ableism, the world would be a much kinder place.

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I had no idea that there was a disability pride month - I'll definitely be joining the party next year!

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